Dundonald Gynastics Club consists of a team of competent, committed and experienced employees. Allow us to introduce them to you on this page.
Head Coach – Scott Telford
TeamGym and Floor & Vault Lead Coach – Stephanie Hanlin
Development Lead Coach – Niamh Telford
Recreational & Pre-School Lead Coach – Sarah Govans
4-Piece and Development Coaches – Dawn Telford, Niamh Telford, David Weir, Lara Wilson, Meaghan Slider and Katie Fulton
TeamGym Coaches – Stephanie Hanlin, Sarah Govans, Helena Hollins and Katie Fulton
Floor & Vault Coaches – Sarah Govans, Helena Hollins and Katie Fulton
Pre-School Coaches – Sarah Govans, Stephanie Hanlin and Emma Boyd
ASN/Disabilties Coaches - Stephanie Hanlin & Sophie Slider
Assistant Coaches – Emma Boyd, Katie Fulton & Sophie Slider
Volunteer Youth Coaches – Jenna Dunlop. Hannah Galloway, Beth McAllister & Jessica Rossi
Choreographer – Erin & Niamh Telford